Still Flying

I just wanted to let people know that although this blog and the Five Moons page on Facebook have been quiet, I’ve actually been making backer-only updates to the kickstarter for the past few months, mainly about the playtest materials. (Frex, I’m rounding out the new skill system right now.) Soon there will be more public stuff to discuss.


6 thoughts on “Still Flying

  1. On my groups end in the past, attempts to contact you have been extremely limited. Especially in communicating a regular status update for Five Moons. Made more egregious given the silence, backers desire to know what’s going on, and your indicated promise that there would be more updates from then on. While I’m not angry, I understand you have other obligations, this is still a responsibility that has definitely not been properly attended to.

    So other than two or more backers commenting for updates, what can we, as backers, fans and such do to get more regular communication, updates, and otherwise feedback from you? I understand if this conversation sounds unpleasant, but I do feel it should be addressed.


      • I’m very glad to hear it, and can see those will be some fun updates. However, to reiterate the unanswered question:

        So other than two or more backers commenting for updates, what can we, as backers, fans and such do to get more regular communication, updates, and otherwise feedback from you?


      • I’m making good progress on the rest of the rules and I’ve started to post stuff every week.
        I get notifications of every reply, whether here, on the Kickstarter, or on the Facebook page, so posting the same comment in multiple places doesn’t accelerate anything.


  2. Yay. I’ve been a very sad panda not seeing updates in the past year. Even my friends have long since stopped making jokes about me secretly having a Sean K. Reynolds shrine in my closet. Somewhat of a long story about how that running gag started in my group.


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